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Top Rated Area per passeggiate

Top Reviewed Area per passeggiate


Tim Jensen
at 2023 Dec 02
Tim Jensen
at 2023 Dec 02
Fantastic and well maintained trails, too many dogs.
Wunderschöner Provinzial Park mit zahlreichen Gelegenheiten zum Wandern, Kanufahren und Campen. Wir sind den Granite Ridge Trail gewandert und könnten dabei immerwieder wunderschöne Ausblicke genießen.
Trails are well maintained and beautiful. Our yurt was very dirty upon arrival so needed to be cleaned but park staff were really great about it. Make sure you get fuel before getting off the highway, it is approximately 60 km off with limited choices/expensive fuel.
This was our first time hiking in Killarney Provincial Park. We hiked the Crack trail and Granite Ridge. Unfortunately, it rained for most of our hike on the Crack trail, but it was still awesome. It was rugged/rocky and very slippery because of the rain. The most challenging part of the trail was climbing up the rocks to get to the top and then climbing back down. Please be very careful. Otherwise, it still made for an exhilarating hike. The next day, we took on Granite Ridge. One of the more easier hikes. We completed the trail in less than an hour. Depends on how quickly you walk. Beautiful again, lovely scenery. The trail markers on this trail got a bit confusing after we got to the top. The trail is a loop, so you can follow the first trail marker you see coming back down. It'll lead you to number 11. We are looking forward to completing the rest of the trails. P.S. If you're looking for a place to stay close to Killarney, I recommend Sudbury and then driving up to Killarney as it is more affordable and only an hour and a bit away.
Sehr schöner Park, war dort unterwegs lediglich zum Wandern. Glaube er hieß "Beaver Dam Trail" oder sowas in der Art. War dort wirklich schön in der Dämmerung, am Ende bzw. gegen Ende des Weges war ein sehr ruhiger kleiner See mit sehr schöner Aussicht.
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Außergewöhnlich und erholsam. National Park abseits der Hauptroute. Traumhaft zum wandern und paddeln. Netter kleiner Ort. Ende der Straße mit Fährverbindung nach Manitoulin. Campground von Ontario Parks sehr zu empfehlen
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Grande "americanata". Le scenic caves sono state una delusione. Abbastanza interessante la zip.line. il minigolf ci ha aiutato ad occupare i pargoli
Großartiger Nationalpark mit toller Möglichkeit zum Kanu fahren
Il ponte sospeso non vale la visita ma il giro delle cave è notevole